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Palworld: Every Pal’s partner skill and what it does

There's a Pal for that...

Every Pal on Palpagos Island has their own unique Partner Skill which can help in combat or while in your base. There’s a lot to remember, but don’t worry – we’ve got you covered. Here’s every Pal and their partner skill, laid out by Pal number for your convenience. 

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Partner Skills are a lot like Passive Skills, except each individual breed of Pal has a specific one. It’s worth paying attention to these Partner Skills because they immediately become active and benefit you once you’ve assigned a Pal as part of your party.

There are Pals such as Cattiva that will increase your carrying capacity simply by being on your team, or ones like Lyleen that will actively work to heal you while battling as long as you have it out and fighting beside you.

While most Partner Skills generally aim to boost your attacks, there are absolutely some that are more useful than others. While it’s easy to have favorites based on appearance or personality, Partner Skills should be considered when picking your sidekick and party.

All Pal Partner Skills in Palworld

From Pals who do their fair share of carrying to those who can help you heal up when you’re in a pinch, there’s a Pal to lend a hand in every situation.

Original Pals and their Partner Skills

Cattiva in Palworld
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These Pals have been around ever since Palworld‘s Early Access release at the beginning of 2024. There are a bunch of really useful Partner Skills in the original roster of Pals:

#Pal namePartner SkillWhat it does
1LamballFluffy ShieldWhen activated, equips to the player and becomes a shield. Sometimes drops Wool when assigned to Ranch. 
2CattivaCat HelperWhile in the team, Cattiva helps carry supplies, increasing the player’s capacity by 50.
3ChikipiEgg LayerWhen activated, Fuack body surfs toward an enemy and slams into them. 
4LifmunkLifmunk RecoilWhen activated, leaps onto the player’s head and uses a submachine gun to follow up player attacks. 
5FoxparksHuggy FireWhen activated, equips to the player and transforms into a flamethrower. 
6FuackSurfing SlamWhen activated, Fuack body surfs towards an enemy and slams into them. 
7SparkitStatic ElectricityWhile in the team, increases the attack power of Electric Pals. 
8TanzeeCheery RifleWhen activated, Tanzee will mercilessly fire an assault rifle at nearby enemies. 
9RoobyTiny SparkWhile in the team, increase the attack power of Fire Pals. 
10PengulletPengullet CannonWhen activated, the player equips a Rocket Launcher and fires a Pengullet as ammunition. Pengullet explodes on contact and is incapacitated. 
11PenkingBrave SoldierWhile fighting together, Fire Pals drop more items when defeated. 
12JolthogJolt BombWhen activated, equips Jolthog to the player’s hand. When thrown at an enemy, causes an electrical explosion upon impact. 
12bJolthog CrystCold BombWhen activated, equips Jolthog Cryst to the player’s hand. When thrown at an enemy, causes an icy explosion upon impact. 
13GumossLogging AssistanceWhile in team, increases efficiency of cutting trees. 
14VixyDig Here!Sometimes digs up items from the ground when assigned to Ranch. 
15HoocratesDark KnowledgeWhile in the team, increases the attack power of Dark Pals. 
16TeafantSoothing ShowerWhen activated, spouts mysterious water that soothes wounds and restores the player’s HP. 
17DepressoCaffeine InoculationWhen activated, Depresso drinks a massive amount of energy drinks, causing its movement speed to increase. 
18CremisFluffy WoolWhile in the team, increases the attack power of Neutral Pals. Sometimes drops Wool when assigned to Ranch. 
19DaedreamDream ChaserWhile in the team, appears near the player. Follows up player attacks with magic bullets
20RushoarHard HeadCan be ridden as a ground mount. Increases efficiency of destroying boulders while mounted. 
21NoxKuudereWhen fighting together, applies Dark damage to the player’s attacks. 
22FuddlerOre DetectorWhen activated, generates subtle vibrations to detect nearby ore. 
23KillamariFried SquidWhile in the team, can be summoned and used instead of a glider. Can float for long periods of time while gliding. 
24MauGold DiggerSometimes digs up Gold Coins when assigned to Ranch. 
24bMau CrystGold DiggerSometimes digs up Gold Coins when assigned to Ranch.
25CelerayZephyr GliderWhile in the team, can be summoned and used instead of a glider. Allows you to move quickly for long periods while gliding with this Pal. 
26DirehowlDirehowl RiderCan be ridden as a ground mount. Moves slightly faster than most mounts. 
27TocotocoEggbomb LauncherWhen activated, equips to the player and transforms into an egg launcher. 
28FlopieHelper BunnyWhen in the team, appears near the player. Automatically picks up nearby items. 
29MozzarinaMilk MakerSometimes produces Milk when assigned to Ranch. 
30BristlaPrincess GazeWhile in the team, increases the attack power of Grass Pals. 
31GobfinAngry SharkWhen activated, attacks targeted enemy with a powerful attack. While in the team, it increases the player’s attack power. 
31bGobfin IgnisAngry SharkWhen activated, attacks targeted enemy with a powerful Spirit Fire. While in a team, increases the player’s attack power.
32HangyuFlying TrapezeWhile in the team, can be summoned and used instead of a glider. Carries the player up high while gliding. 
32bHangyu CrystWinter TrapezeWhile in a team, can be summoned and used instead of a glider. Carries the player up high while gliding
33MossandaGrenadier PandaCan be ridden as a ground mount. Can rapidly fire a grenade launcher while mounted. 
33bMossanda LuxGrenadier PandaCan be ridden as a ground mount. Can rapidly fire a grenade launcher while mounted. 
34WoolipopCandy PopSometimes drops Cotton Candy while assigned to Ranch.
35CaprityBerry PickerSometimes drops Red Berries from its back when assigned to Ranch. 
36MelpacaPacapaca WoolCan be ridden as a ground mount. Sometimes drops Wool when assigned to Ranch. 
37EikthyrdeerGuardian of the ForrestCan be ridden as a ground mount. Can perform a double jump while mounted. Increases efficiency of cutting trees. 
37bEikthyrdeer TerraGuardian of the Golden ForestCan be ridden as a ground mount. Can perform a double jump while mounted. Increases efficiency of cutting trees. 
38NitewingTravel CompanionCan be ridden as a flying mount.
39RibunnySkilled FingersWhile in the team, increases the attack power of Neutral Pals. While at a base, increases work efficiency if working at Weapon Workbench. 
40IncineramFlameclaw HunterWhen activated, attacks targeted enemy with a powerful Hellfire Claw. 
40b Incineram NoctDarkclaw HunterWhen activated, attacks targeted enemy with a powerful Hellfire Claw. 
41CinnamothMysterious ScalesWhen activated, attacks target enemy with Poison Fog. 
42ArsoxWarm BodyCan be ridden as a ground mount. Keeps the rider warm in cold environments. 
43DumudSoil ImproverWhile in the team, increases the attack power of Ground Pals. 
44CawgnitoTelepeckWhen activated, attacks targeted enemy with a powerful Phantom Peck. 
45LeezpunkSixth SenseWhen activated, utilizes its sixth sense to detect nearby dungeons. 
45bLeezpunk IgnisSixth SenseWhen activated, utilizes its sixth sense to detect nearby dungeons. 
46LoupmoonClaws Glistening in the DarkWhen activated, attacks targeted enemy with a powerful Jumping Claw. 
47GaleclawGaleclaw RiderWhile in team, can be summoned and used instead of a glider. Allows you to fire a gun while gliding with this Pal. 
48RobinquillHawk EyeWhile fighting together, allows you to deal more damage to weak points. 
48bRobinquill TerraHawk EyeWhile fighting together, allows you to deal more damage to weak points. 
49GoriratFull-power Gorilla ModeWhen activated, unleashes a primal fury that increases Gorirat’s attack power. 
50BeegardeWorker BeeSometimes drops Honey when assigned to Ranch. While in the team, Elizabee’s stats will be increased. 
51ElizabeeQueen Bee CommandWhen fighting together, stats will increase the more Beegarde are in your team. 
52GrintalePlump BodyCan be ridden as a ground mount. Enhances Neutral attacks while mounted. 
53SweeFluffyWhile in the team, Sweepa’s stats will be increased. 
54SweepaKing of FluffCan be ridden as a ground mount. While fighting together, stats will increase the more Swee are in your team. 
55ChilletWriggling WeaselCan be ridden as a ground mount. Applies Dragon damage to the player’s attacks while mounted. 
56UnivoltSwift DeityCan be ridden as a ground mount. Applies Electric damage to the player’s attacks while mounted. 
57FoxcicleAurora GuideWhile in the team, increases the attack power of Ice Pals. 
58PyrinRed HareCan be ridden as a ground mount. Applies Fire damage to the player’s attacks while mounted. 
58bPyrin NoctBlake HareCan be ridden as a ground mount. Applies Dark damage to the player’s attacks while mounted. 
59ReindrixCool BodyCan be ridden as a ground mount. Keeps the rider cool in hot environments. 
60RayhoundJumping ForceCan be ridden as a ground mount. Can double jump while mounted. 
61KitsunClear MindCan be ridden as a ground mount. Unaffected by the cold or heat while riding this Pal. 
62DazziLady of LightningWhile in the team, appears near the player. Follows up player attacks with lightning bolts. 
63LunarisAntigravityWhile in the team, Lunaris manipulates gravity, increasing the player’s max carrying capacity. 
64DinossomFragrant DragonCan be ridden as a ground mount. Enchances Grass attacks while mounted. 
64bDinossom LuxThunder DragonCan be ridden as a ground mount. Ehances Electric attacks while mounted. 
65SurfentSwift SwimmerCan be ridden to travel on water. While mounted, prevents stamina depletion while moving over water. 
65bSurfent TerraSand SwimmerCan be ridden as a ground and swimming mount.
66MaraithMessenger of DeathCan be ridden as a ground mount. Applies Dark damage to the player’s attacks while mounted.
67DigtoiseDrill CrusherWhen activated, performs Shell Spin, follows the player while spinning, and mines ores efficiently. 
68TombatUltrasonic SensorWhen activated, uses ultrasonic waves to detect the location of nearby Pals. 
69LovanderHeart DrainWhile fighting together, grants the player and Lovander the life steal effect which absorbs some of the received damage and restores HP. 
70FlambelleMagma TearsSometimes produces Flame Organ when assigned to Ranch.
71VanwyrmAerial MarauderCan be ridden as a flying mount. Increases damage the player deals to enemy weak points while mounted. 
71bVanwyrm CrystAerial MarauderCan be ridden as a flying mount. Increases damage the player deals to enemy weak points while mounted. 
72BushiBrandish BladeWhen activated, attacks targeted enemy with a powerful laigiri. 
73BeakonThunderousCan be ridden as a flying mount. Applies Electric damage to the player’s attacks while mounted. 
74RagnahawkFlame WingCan be ridden as a flying mount. Applies Fire damage to the player’s attacks while mounted. 
75KatressGrimoire CollectorWhile fighting together, Neutral Pals drop more items when defeated. 
76WixenLord FoxWhen fighting together, applies Fire damage to the player’s attacks. 
77VerdashGrassland SpeedsterWhen fighting together, increases player’s movement speed and applies Grass damage to the player’s attacks. 
78VaeletPurification of GaiaWhile fighting together, Ground Pals drop more items when defeated. 
79SibelyxSilk MakerWhen activated, attacks targeted enemy with a powerful Blizzard Spike. Sometimes produces High Quality Cloth when assigned to Ranch. 
80ElphidranAmicable Holy DragonCan be ridden as a flying mount. While fighting together, Dark Pals drop more items when defeated. 
81KelpseaAqua SpoutWhile in the team, increases the attack power of Water Pals. 
81bKelpsea IgnisFire SpoutWhile in the team, increases the attack power of Fire Pals.
82AzurobeWaterwing DanceCan be ridden as a swimming mount. Applies Water damage to the player’s attacks while mounted. 
83CryolinxDragon HunterWhile fighting together, Dragon Pals drop more items when defeated. 
84BlazehowlHellflame LionCan be ridden as a ground mount. While fighting together, Grass Pals drop more items when defeated.
84bBlazehowl NoctDarkflame LionCan be ridden as a ground mount. While fighting together, Neutral Pals drop more items when defeated.
85RelaxaurusHungry MissileCan be ridden as a ground mount. Can rapidly fire a missile launcher while mounted. 
85bRelaxaurus LuxMissile PartyCan be ridden as a ground mount. Can rapidly fire a missile launcher while mounted. 
86BroncherryOveraffectionateCan be ridden as a ground mount. While in the team, Broncherry helps carry supplies, increasing the player’s max carrying capacity. 
86bBroncherry AquaOveraffectionateCan be ridden as a ground mount. While in the team, Broncherry Aqua helps carry supplies, increasing the player’s max carrying capacity. 
87PetalliaBlessing of the Flower SpiritWhen activated, uses medicinal flowers to restore the player’s HP. 
88ReptyroOre-loving BeastCan be ridden as a ground mount. Improves efficiency of mining ores while mounted. 
88bIce ReptyroIce-loving BeastCan be ridden as a ground mount. Improves efficiency of mining ores while mounted. 
89KingpacaKing of MusclesCan be ridden as a ground mount. While in the team, Kingpaca helps carry supplies, increasing the player’s max carrying capacity. 
89bIce KingpacaKing of MusclesCan be ridden as a ground mount. While in the team, Kingpaca helps carry supplies, increasing the player’s max carrying capacity. 
90MammarestGaia CrusherCan be ridden as a ground mount. Improves efficiency of cutting trees and mining ores while mounted. 
90bMammorest CrystIce CrusherCan be ridden as a ground mount. Improves efficiency of cutting trees and mining ores while mounted. 
91WumpoGuardian of the Snowy MountainCan be ridden as a ground mount. While in team, Wumpo helps carry supplies, increasing the player’s max carrying capacity. 
91bWumpo BotanGuardian of the Grassy FieldsCan be ridden as a ground mount. While in team, Wumpo Botan helps carry supplies, increasing the player’s max carrying capacity. 
92WarsectHard ArmorWhen fighting together, increases the player’s defense and applies Fire damage to the player’s attacks. 
93FenglopeWind and CloudsCan be ridden as a ground mount. Can double jump while mounted. 
94FelbatLife StealWhile fighting together, grants the player and Felbat the life steal effect which absorbs some of the received damage and restores HP. 
95QuivernSky Dragon’s AffectionCan be ridden as a flying mount. Enhances Dragon attacks while mounted. 
96BlazamutMagma KaiserCan be ridden as a ground mount. Enchances Fire attacks while mounted. 
97HelzephyrWings of DeathCan be ridden as a flying mount. Applies Dark damage to the player’s attacks while mounted. 
98AstegonBlack AnkylosaurCan be ridden as a flying mount. Increases damage dealt to ore while mounted. 
99MenastingSteel ScorpionWhen fighting together, increases the player’s defense, and Electric Pals drop more items when defeated. 
100AnubisGuardian of the DesertWhen fighting together, applies Ground damage to the player’s attacks. Sometimes dodges attacks with a high-speed sidestep while in a battle. 
101JormuntideStormbringer Sea DragonCan be ridden to travel on water. While mounted, prevents stamina depletion while moving over water. 
101bJormuntide IgnisStormbringer Lava DragonCan be ridden as a ground mount. Enhances Fire attacks while mounted. 
102SuzakuWings of FireCan be ridden as a flying mount. Enhances Fire attacks while mounted. 
102bSuzaku AquaWings of WaterCan be ridden as a flying mount. Enhances Water attacks while mounted. 
103GrizzboltYellow TankCan be ridden as a ground mount. Can rapidly fire a minigun while mounted. 
104LyleenHarvest GoddessWhen activated, the queen’s soothing graces greatly restore the player’s HP. 
104bLyleen NoctGoddess of the Tranquil LightWhen activated, the queen’s soothing graces greatly restore the player’s HP. 
105FalerisScorching PredatorCan be ridden as a flying mount. While fighting together, Ice Pals drop more items when defeated. 
106OrserkFerocious Thunder DragonWhile fighting together, Water Pals drop more items when defeated. 
107ShadowbeakModified DNACan be ridden as a flying mount. Enhances Dark attacks while mounted. 
108PaladiusHoly Knight of the FirmamentCan be ridden as a ground mount. Can triple jump while mounted. 
109NecromusDark Knight of the AbyssCan be ridden as a ground mount. Can double jump while mounted. 
110FrostallionIce SteedCan be ridden as a flying mount. Changes the player’s attack type to Ice and enhances Ice attacks while mounted. 
111JetragonAerial MissileCan be ridden as a flying mount. Can rapidly fire a missile launcher while mounted. 

Sakurajima Pals and their Partner Skills

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The Sakurajima update (June 2024) added 26 new Pals to Palworld, including completely new ones and variants of more familiar friends. Each has a specific Partner Skill, and all are useful in their ways. Perhaps the most useful, especially if you’re looking to get your hands on a lot of loot, is Mimog, which can open locked chests without needing a key or Lockpicking Tool.

Here’s all of the Pals added in Sakurajima, along with their Partner Skills:

#Pal namePartner SkillWhat it does
49bGorirat TerraFull-Power Gorilla ModeWhen activated, it grants a significant boost to Gorirat Terra’s attacks.
55bChillet IgnisSparkling WeaselCan be ridden as a ground mount. Applies Fire type damage to the player’s
attacks while mounted.
72bBushi NoctFlash BladeWhen activated, attacks targeted enemy with a powerful Iaigiri.
75bKatress IgnisBotanical AtlasWhile fighting together, Grass type Pals drop more items when defeated.
76bWixen NoctBlack Fox LordWhen fighting together, applies Dark type damage to the player’s attacks.
95bQuivern BotanGrass Dragon’s AffectionCan be ridden as a flying mount. Enhances Grass type attacks while
96bBlazamut RyuDragon KaiserCan be ridden as a ground mount. Enhances Dragon type attacks while
97bHelzephyr LuxWings of ThunderCan be ridden as a flying mount. Applied Electric type damage to the
player’s attacks while mounted.
99bMenasting TerraSteel ScorpionIncreases the player’s defense and the amount of items Electric type Pals
drop when defeated.
112BellanoirNightmare IrisWhen activated, attacks a targeted enemy with a powerful Nightmare Ray.
112bBellanoir LiberoNightmare StareWhen activated, attacks a targeted enemy with a powerful Nightmare Bloom.
113SelyneCelestial DarknessCan be ridden as a flying mount. Enhances Fire and Dark type attacks while mounted.
114CroajiroLeap StanceWhen activated, Croajiro swells its abdomen and channels its loyalty to build
up energy, preparing to propel the player high into the air.
115LulluFloral BoostWhile at the base, Lullu infuses the farm with energy, increasing the growth
rate of crops.
116ShroomerSwooshy SporesWhile at the base, the mysterious spores of Shroomer reduce the rate at
which the SAN value of other base Pals decreases.
116bShroomer NoctSwooshy SporesWhile at the base, the mysterious spores of Shroomer Noct reduce the rate
at which the SAN value of other base Pals decreases.
117KikitRollin’ Full OilWhile in the team, Kikit helps carry supplies, decreasing the weight of Crude Oil
in the player’s inventory.
118SootseerGrave RobberSometimes digs up Bone when assigned to Ranch.
119PrixterScorpion SonarWhen activated, it can analyze airborne particles to locate the exit of a
120KnocklemSteel Guardian ModeWhen activated, a steel resolve increases Knocklem’s attack and defense stats.
121YakumoBirds of a FeatherCan be ridden as a ground mount. When fighting together, it becomes easier
to encounter Pals with the same Passive Skills as the active Yakumo.
122DogenHomeward PrayerWhen activated, moves to the closest base. Cannot be used within Dungeons
or Towers.
123DazemuSand SpiritCan be ridden as a ground mount. Runs faster than other Pals over sand.
124MimogMaster of UnlockingWhen near a treasure chest, Mimog can open the chest without using a key.
The type of treasure chest that can be opened depends on the player’s skill level.
125XenovaderMeteor ManiaWhile in the time, increases damage dealt to ore, and it’s easier to obtain Meteorite Fragments.
126XenogardCrater EnthusiastCan be ridden as a ground mount. While in the team, you can obtain more Meteorite Fragments and Pure Quartz.

Feybreak Pals and their Partner Skills

Pals added in Feybreak in Palworld
Image via Pocketpair

Feybreak added just slightly fewer Pals than Sakurajima did, with 24 new or variant Pals to track down and capture. Their partner skills are all useful in certain situations, but Smokie might be the most beneficial thanks to its ability to seek out nearby Chromite, as well as increase hauls of the resource:

#Pal namePartner SkillWhat it does
5bFoxparks CrystHuggy FrostWhen activated, equips to the player and attacks using frigid air.
35bCaprity NoctVenom PickerSometimes drops Venom Gland from its back when assigned to the Ranch.
39bRibbuny BotanGrass WeaverWhile in team, increases the attack power of Grass type Pals. While at the base,
increases work efficiency if working at any Weapon Workbench.
46bLoupmoon CrystFrozen Gleam
When activated, attacks the targeted enemy with a powerful Snow Claw.
61bKitsun NoctFogged MindCan be ridden as a ground mount. Applies Dark type damage to the player’s
attacks while mounted.
62bDazzi NoctLady of Dark
While in team, appears near the player. Follows up player attacks with dark
lightning bolts.
83bCryolinx TerraElectro HunterWhile fighting together, Electric type Pals drop more items when defeated.
92bWarsect TerraFortified ShellWhen fighting together, increases the player’s defense and reduces damage
taken from Fire type Pals and attacks.
93bFenglope LuxStormcloudCan be ridden as a ground mount. Can double jump while mounted. While
fighting together, Water type Pals drop more items when defeated.
105bFaleris AquaTidal PredatorCan be ridden as a flying mount. While fighting together, Fire type Pals drop
more items when defeated.
127XenolordMeteor WingsCan be ridden as a flying mount. Greatly increases movement speed while
128NitemarySoul CollectorWhile fighting together, Pals drop more Pal Souls when defeated.
129StarryonNight DancerCan be ridden as a ground mount. Increases movement speed while mounted
at night.
130SilvegisAegis ShieldCan be ridden as a ground mount. Increases the duration of the shield when
using Aegis Charge while mounted.
131SmokieDig, Dog! Dig!When activated, uses its sharp sense of smell to detect nearby Chromite. While
fighting together, a large amount of Chromite is obtained.
132CelesdirBlessing of
Can be ridden as a ground mount. Increases the player’s auto-recovery speed
while mounted.
While in team, the Pals in the team gain more experience points.
134SplatterinaBlade of
While in possession, the amount of items obtained from using the Meat Cleaver
135TarantrissTarantriss’s WebCan be ridden as a ground mount. While mounted, shoots spider silk to grapple
and enable rapid movement.
136AzurmanePlasma DashCan be ridden as a ground mount. Allows dashing in the air and moving at high
137BastigorBlizzard CrashCan be ridden as a ground mount. While mounted, delivers crushing blows with
Ice-Forged hammer.
138PruneliaPrayer for
While at the base, Prunelia’s prayers bless the crops, increasing their harvest.
139NyafiaShot-Nyan ModeWhen activated, Nyafia will fire a shotgun at nearby enemies for a limited time.
Can be ridden as a ground mount. Applies Ground type damage to the player’s
attacks while mounted.

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Image of Paula Vaynshteyn
Paula Vaynshteyn
With her first experience of gaming being on an Atari ST, Paula has been gaming for her entire life. She’s 7,000 hours deep into Final Fantasy XIV, spends more time on cozy games than she would care to admit, and is also your friendly resident Whovian. Juggling online adventuring with family life has its struggles, but she wouldn’t have it any other way.