Whether you’re playing on Steam or Xbox, Palworld offers achievements for reaching landmark moments within the game. To begin with, there were only 10 achievements up for grabs, but now there are many more that can be obtained.
Currently, there are 33 achievements in total, however, more are likely to be added with future updates as they were with the Sakurajima and Feybreak updates. While these achievements aren’t worth anything other than bragging rights on Steam, you can potentially add a total of 1,830 to your Xbox GamerScore if you’re playing on the platform.
Here are all of the achievements currently up for grabs in Palworld, along with how to get them, and how much each is worth on Xbox.
All Palworld achievements
Achievements for Catching Pals in Palworld

The first set of achievements in Palworld is awarded for capturing Pals (or humans), either a certain amount of specific Pals. Some of these were included at the initial release, while others were added in the Sakurajima and Feybreak updates.
It’s worth noting that you don’t actually have to capture Pals in order to get these achievements, as hatching Pals from wild eggs or those you’ve obtained through breeding also counts as capturing Pals. Purchasing Pals from Black Marketeers or Pal Merchants also counts towards these achievements.
Here are all of the achievements you can get for catching Pals in Palworld:
Achievement | How to get | GamerScore |
Beginning of the Legend | Catch your first Pal | 100 |
Newbie Pal Tamer | Catch 10 Pals | 100 |
Intermediate Pal Tamer | Catch 20 Pals | 100 |
Skilled Pal Tamer | Catch 50 Pals | 100 |
Seasoned Pal Tamer | Catch 90 Pals | 100 |
Exceptional Pal Tamer | Catch 140 Pals | 30 |
Overhunting | Catch 1,000 Pals | 30 |
Inhuman Act | Catch a Human | 30 |
Legendary Celestial Dragon | Catch a Jetragon | 30 |
Holy Knight of Legend | Catch a Paladius | 30 |
Dark Knight of Legend | Catch a Necromus | 30 |
Legendary Steed of Ice | Catch a Frostallion | 30 |
Achievements for defeating Tower Boss Duos in Palworld

The second big chunk of achievements is awarded for defeating Tower Boss Duos, and you receive one per Tower you manage to take down. If you’re heading for the towers, make sure you’re of a suitable level and take Pals with you who are strong against the type of the Pal in the Tower.
Here are all of the achievements you can get for defeating Tower Boss Duos in Palworld:
Achievement | How to get | GamerScore |
Hillside Sovereign | Defeat Zoe and Grizzbolt | 100 |
Snowfall Sovereign | Defeat Lily and Lyleen | 100 |
Volcano Sovereign | Defeat Axel and Orserk | 100 |
Desert Sovereign | Defeat Marcus and Faleris | 100 |
Astral Sovereign | Defeat Victor and Shadowbeak | 100 |
Blossom Sovereign | Defeat Saya and Selyne | 30 |
Sovereign of the Feybreak Realm | Defeat Bjorn and Bastigor | 30 |
Achievements for defeating Raid Bosses in Palworld

With the addition of the Sakurajima update in June 2024, and then the Feybreak update in December 2024, Raid Bosses were added that can be summoned using Slabs at a Summoning Altar. You can’t capture raid bosses, but you do have a chance to get them from dropped eggs after these fights. These are very high-level bosses, but there are achievements available for defeating all of them:
Achievement | How to get | GamerScore |
Twilight Siren | Summon and defeat Bellanoir | 100 |
Eclipsed Siren | Summon and defeat Bellanoir Libero | 100 |
Incarnation of the Eternal Flame | Summon and defeat Blazamut Ryu | 30 |
Invader from Space | Summon and defeat Xenolord | 30 |
Other achievements in Palworld

As you go about your days in Palpagos, you’re likely to complete other Achievements by chance. These are all obtained for completing objectives around the in-game locations, and all are worth 30 GamerScore each.
Achievement | How to get |
Trail of the Castaway | Collect 40 Notes |
Guru of the Islands | Collect 255 Lifmunk Effigies |
All for One | Maximize the rank of a Pal |
Voice of Resentment | Maximize the rank of 5 Pals |
Senior Adventurer | Clear 20 Dungeons |
Conquerer of the Sea | Successfully seize the Oil Rig |
Champion of the Palpagos Islands | Defeat 6 of the Tower Boss Duos on Hard Mode |
Sphere Craftsman | Craft 2,000 Spheres of any type |
Iron Heart | Craft 10,000 Ingots |
Blood and Iron | Craft 20,000 Ammo of any type |
Tips for catching Pals in Palworld
If you want to capture Pals in Palworld, there are a few things that you’ll need to bear in mind. Not only do you need to make sure that you are at the right level to take on a high-level Pal, but you also need to make sure that you’re using the appropriate Sphere for the level of Pal you’re attempting to capture. There’s no point taking a basic Pal Sphere into battle with a level 50 Frostallion, for instance. You’re much better off taking a Legendary Sphere.
It’s a good idea to reduce the health of whichever Pal you’re trying to capture to the lowest you possibly can before you start throwing Pal Spheres, and you stand a higher chance of getting a successful capture if you catch the Pal unaware and throw the sphere from behind it.
Tips for beating Tower Bosses in Palworld
Each Tower Boss Duo has its own tactics in order to successfully defeat them, but some good pointers are:
- Use the pillars around the arena for cover
- Take Pals with you that are strong against the Pal type within the Tower
- Make sure you’re at least the same level as the Pal within the Tower, preferably a couple of levels above
Published: Dec 30, 2024 04:13 am