Pachter: PSN Pass ill-timed, won’t make money

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Industry analyst Michael “They Were Slaughtered In The Thousands” Pachter has cast doubt on the prospect’s of Sony’s PSN Pass scheme, believing the reveal to be poorly timed and diminishing the initiative’s chances of success.

“PSN Pass is not timed particularly well,” he said. “Curious if they make any money off this, I expect not.”

The PSN Pass is Sony’s attempt to copy the consumer-unfriendly online passes of Electronic Arts and THQ. The general idea is that these poor publishers desperately need $10 from used consumers, because releasing day-one DLC to drain more cash from those already spending the full $60 just doesn’t make enough money.

In other words, greedy pricks embrace online passes.

PSN Pass ‘not timed particularly well’ [CVG]

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James Stephanie Sterling
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