Pachter: Gears of War on PS3

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Games industry analyst Michael Patcher knows how to keep eyebrows raised, and this time he hits us with the prediction that Xbox 360 exclusive Gears of War will eventually be a PlayStation 3 title.

He points to Epic Games’ familiarity with the PS3 hardware as a reason, and tells Game Trailers that “we pretty much know that Gears of War 3 is probably gonna’ come out on PS3.”

This assumes that Microsoft has a two-game deal with Epic for the Gears of War franchise, and after that Epic will be free to move the series to the platform of their liking. 

This is probably a solid prediction, but it comes at a time where both the PS3 and the Gears of War series are mostly off the radar of gamers. That’s not to say that a shiny new Gears sequel won’t get us interested again, but it just feels too early to be talking about GOW3 right now, doesn’t it?

[Via CVG

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Dale North
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