Own a mirror? Make a Mii of someone else

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Earlier today we introduced you to MiiStation.com, where for the “ultra-low” price of only $5, the Mii Channel impaired can be relieved of the laborious four minutes or so required to create a likeness of themselves.

However, if you’ve somehow managed to tackle the Herculean task of remembering what you look like, or if you’re just too cheap to dish out the fiver, allow us to suggest MiiLikeWii. While it won’t show you how to do the simplest thing ever make a Mii of yourself, this little blog offers a growing collection of tutorials on how to create some popular celebrities, political figures, sports stars, and some unique and twisted other stuff.

Cooler still, if you’ve got something special in your own plaza, you can submit it and show the rest of us how clever you are. For those of you facing the heartache of having a shiny new toy and not enough cash for new games to play on it, this just might give you something to do. 

[Thanks to Owenbot for the tip!]

About The Author
Topher Cantler
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