Ormagoden demands 666 mil Brutal Legend demo downloads…

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… or we all get swine flu. When Ormagoden demands something, everyone has to listen. With a name like that, he means business.

Thankfully, Double Fine will be doing its part to lessen the possibility of widespread torment. On Rocktober 1st (aka next Thursday), the team will be partaking in a live Dem-o-Thon starting at 12:00 PM PDT. Hijinks are bound to ensue, so don’t forget to check back on the official Brutal Legend site for the live stream.

Additionally, Q&As plus giveaways will be taking place via Twitter.com/BrutalLegend. At the very least, it’ll hopefully lessen the pain of our impending doom.


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Jordan Devore
Jordan is a founding member of Destructoid and poster of seemingly random pictures. They are anything but random.
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