Onechanbara goes gold, will be released February 10th

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Both Japanese bikini-and-sword extravaganzas — Onechanbara: Bikini Samurai Squad for the Xbox 360 and Onechanbara: Bikini Zombie Slayers for the Wii — have gone gold, says D3Publisher in a press release that just hit the Destructoid inbox.

Hamza previewed both games, and he had good things to say about each. The game has been visually enhanced for North America, but I think we were already pretty good with how they looked in the first place.

Both titles have:

  • co-op play
  • a power-building Rage Mode
  • swordplay
  • zombies
  • bewbs
  • an ESRB rating of “M”

Both will hit shelves on February 10th. Which one are you going to get?

About The Author
Dale North
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