NYCC: Nick Chester sucks at Gran Turismo 5

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Nick is the Editor-in-Chief of one of the largest gaming news outlets out there, so this kind of suckage is inexcusable. Laughable. He’s one of those guys that only knows how to mash down on the gas pedal button. I can’t believe he runs this website.

I’m kidding. This is just payback. Honestly, he has beat me at every game we’ve ever played against each other. It just felt good to see that he sucked so hard at Gran Turismo 5.  And it does play beautifully in this full-blown rig, which Sony people tell me that you can buy for yourself if you’ve got the scratch. 

Speaking of GT5, I’m pretty sure we were playing final code last night here in New York at a PlayStation pre-Comic Con press event. You’ll see that we played it in 3D. If you have yet to see the game in 3D, know that the effect is subtle. That’s nice, if you ask me. We don’t want our realistic racers to look like a Dreamworks picture. 

This game is looking so good. I’m tired of playing press demos. I just want the game. 

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Dale North
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