Nintendo’s Black Friday bundles are worth your hard earned coins

That map is looking pretty nice

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It’s November which means, whether we like it or not, holiday shopping is underway, with Black Friday not far behind. If you’re like me you and can appreciate a good deal, but would prefer not to get trampled in a doorway, then life can be made a whole lot easier if you know what you’re going to the store for in the first place.

In preparation for all your gaming needs this season, Business Wire has gotten a peek at two Nintendo bundles that will make shopping for any Zelda fan a breeze.

A New 2DS bundle comes packed with a Link green 2DS system that and a digital copy of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D pre-installed. The bundle has a suggested retail price of $79.99. If you’ve never tackled the Zelda classic or are just feeling a bit nostalgic it’s a great pick up.

As well as that, you can also nab the new The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild-Explorer’s Edition. This bundle includes the Switch game, a 100-page explorer’s guide and a two-sided map. The suggested retail price is $59.99 and that map has me feeling a little jealous. 

With enough luck, you’ll also be able to grab one of Nintendo’s existing bundles on Black Friday, like the Super Mario Odyssey Switch pack, should there be any still available.

Nintendo turns Black Friday into Legendary Friday [Business Wire]

About The Author
Rich Meister
NY gamer who duped Destructoid into hiring him. JRPG nerd and Paul Rudd enthusiast. Full disclosure, I backed some Kickstarter things. Monster Crown and Knuckle Sandwich have my money so take my opinions with a grain of salt.
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