Nintendo drops ten titles on WiiWare and Virtual Console

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F*ck turkey. Ham is where it’s at. I mean, we had turkey, but the ham was the business. I baked a lovely Black Forest ham in a pineapple/mustard glaze on “Turkey Day.” It still eats good. And the leftover possibilities are far greater with ham than they are with turkey. Today? Ham and cheddar panini for lunch. Tonight? Fried rice w/ ham. Good luck with that dried-out bird, losers.

Oh, right, Nintendo downloads. Ten of them drop this week across the Virtual Console and WiiWare/DSiWare. Rather than blog about each, I’m just going to make a list. Look, this ham isn’t going to eat itself.

  • Tales of Monkey Island: Chapter 4 (1,000 Wii Points)
  • My Zoo (500 Wii Points)
  • Copter Crisis (500 Wii Points)
  • Christmas Cli… yeah, Christmas Clix (1,000 Wii Points)
  • Foto Face: The Face Stealer Strikes (800 DSi Points)
  • Bookworm (500 DSi Points)
  • Master of Illusion Express: Mind Probe (200 DSi Points)
  • Sudoku Challenge! (500 DSi Points)

Virtual Console goodies:

  • The Combatribes (800 Wii Points)
  • Solomon’s Key (600 Wii Points)

First off, “The Face Stealer Strikes” is a pretty kickass name for a game.  I’m all about the Solomon’s Key VC download, which is a port of the Tecmo arcade game. Our own Jonathan Holmes has something to add about SNES game Combatribes:

Combatribes is awesomely bad. Back when I was learning how to make sprites for the first time, I used Combatribes and Ninja Clowns as anti-role models on how to do it.”

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Dale North
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