Nintendo DLC: MDK 2, WayForward’s Mighty Milky Way

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After a few weeks of slim-pickings, there’s a few cool things of note coming to DSiWare and WiiWare this week. Specifically, games that involve space — WayForward’s DSi title Mighty Milky Way and MDK 2 (originally developed by BioWare) for WiiWare.


  • Mighty Milky Way (WayForward, 1 player, 800 DSi Points)
  • GO Series of Tower Deus (Gamebridge, 1 player, 200 DSi Points)
  • Whack-A-Friend (Agetec, Inc, 1 player, 200 DSi Points)


  • MDK 2 (Interplay, 1 player, 1,000 Wii Points)

Thinking about pulling out my DSi and grabbing Mighty Milky Way; WayForward’s pretty consistent with developing solid titles. Even the DS version of Thor: God of Thunder, which was released last week, is pretty good!

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Nick Chester
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