Nintendo DLC: Cave Story and the Game & Watch bonanza

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No Virtual Console games this week, but Nintendo isn’t skimping on the classics. Studio Pixel’s classic indie adventure Cave Story sees its triumphant return as a remake for WiiWare, and three Game & Watch titles pop up on DSiWare.


  • Cave Story (Nicalis, Inc., 1 player, 1200 Wii Points)


  • Drift Street International (Tantalus, 1-4 players, 800 DSi Points)
  • Libera Wing (Pixel Federation, 1 player, 800 DSi Points)
  • Game & Watch: Mario’s Cement Factory (Nintendo, 1 player, 200 DSi Points)
  • Game & Watch: Chef (Nintendo, 1 player, 200 DSi Points)
  • Game & Watch: Judge (Nintendo, 1 player, 200 DSi Points)

This week’s download is a no-brainer — you simply must get Cave Story. Last night, I fired up the freeware version to prepare myself for today’s release, and can’t wait to play the update this week. As for the Game & Watch games, it’s tempting, but with my DSi XL on the way (and no way to transfer DSiWare games from one DSi to another), I think I’ll hold off.

Where are your Wii Points and DSi Points going this week?

About The Author
Nick Chester
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