New Super Dodgeball Brawlers gameplay footage, boxy heads and all

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When I think back on fond NES memories, I often recall countless battles played out on in the 8-bit sand of Technos’ Super Dodge Ball. This was one of those rare games that had universal appeal and almost infinite replayability. Remember how cheap Team Russia was? I was extremely pleased to hear that lethal ball beaming is making its way back to us in Super Dodgeball Brawlers for the Nintendo DS, and these new gameplay videos make me so happy that I could *BARF*.

Although it’s great to see how Arc System Works remained true to the original formula, I was worried at first when watching these videos. As much as the classic game is loved, I think the real draw here is the ability to fight sans dodge ball. No worries, though. The beach video (above) eventually does drop a soda machine into the mix. Now that’s what I’m talking about. The indoor casino-ish video (after the jump) makes no apologies, and in it you get to see a literal bomb drop on the opposing team. I can’t wait to do that!

With the classic gameplay mode and the new wireless eight-player mulitplayer “brawl” mode, I can’t see anyone passing up this $29.99 spring release. Do you have the balls for this?

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Dale North
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