New Metroid II fan remake trailer gives me the fish sweats

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My God this game is looking incredible.

After more than a year in production (and after a fair share of Destructoid posts about it), the fan remake of underrated Game Boy game Metroid II: Return of Samus is nearing completion. Now, before you go clicking the jump and checking out the recently released third trailer for the game, I have to issue a warning: If you are a retro Metroid fan (and especially if you love Metroid II and Super Metroid), this trailer may give you a stroke.

I don’t even know where to start. Shall we talk about the gorgeous, SNES-era graphics? The stunning animation? The music? Hopefully the left side of your face doesn’t go numb after viewing. If you can still type, sound off in the comments with your thoughts. Could this be one of the most beautiful Metroid games ever? I say most definitely yes! Let’s just hope Nintendo and its highly paid lawyers don’t freak out too much.

And, for the record, “getting the fish sweats” is a very good thing. Just ask all the Destructoid editors after our ridiculous (and delicious!) sushi binge right before E3.

[Via GoNintendo]

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Chad Concelmo
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