New Mega Man 9 trailer is RETROMAZING!

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Yup, “retromazing.” It’s the new word I just made up. I hope you like it.

There are a surprising amount of people out there that are upset with the 8-bit look of upcoming WiiWare title Mega Man 9. I truly don’t understand this negative reaction. While other companies are either releasing upgraded versions of old games or moving old franchises into the new millennium of technology, Capcom took a major risk and created an original, nostalgic work of art that is in every way an 8-bit game. In my humble opinion, Mega Man 9 is an incredibly brave creation and I applaud Capcom for its risky, artistic decision.

And to you naysayers: if the above trailer does not change your mind about Mega Man 9, nothing will. When I watched it I was filled with so many wonderful memories of being a child, looking in Nintendo Power, and seeing images of an upcoming NES game for the first time. Do you remember the first time you saw the giant robot fish from the Bubble Man stage in Mega Man 2? That is how I just felt when I saw the big mechanical elephant.

And speaking of Mega Man 2 … according to IGN (where this exclusive trailer came from), NES classics Mega Man 1 and Mega Man 2 are now confirmed for release on the Virtual Console soon. It’s a great day for Mega Man fans!

What do you think? Is this trailer absolutely gorgeous or what? Are you as impressed as I am with the bold new direction Capcom is taking this series?

About The Author
Chad Concelmo
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