Last week, League of Legends saw a patch that swept the game with a massive change: the removal of the dodge statistic. Beyond this, a character was completely reworked, and a new one was introduced. Though it should be an off week for the scale of the patches, this week’s patch is bringing about another sizable change to the game.
Stepping aside from the core mechanics, this week League sees the overhaul of the “Cooperative vs AI” mode. The video above delves into the specifics of what exactly is being changed and upgraded. The broad strokes include the addition of a ton of new champion AIs, plus compatibility with the Dominion mode.
In the video, Riot Games discusses how the improvements will be great for training and practice for current players. I think that this will also be a good venue for new players to enter the fray, as they can now play in a much safer environment than what they would get playing League in a full player vs player setting. You can check it out at the game’s main website.