Available through a Japanese trading card game
Fire Emblem: Awakening‘s success saved it from being the last in the series and Nintendo seems to be trying real hard to capitalize on it. The upcoming 3DS turn-based strategy — Fire Emblem If in Japan, where it releases in June — has two separate versions and a third storyline coming as DLC.
The next entry will also feature DLC characters, according to a recent livestream covered by Serenes Forest, tied to the release of a Fire Emblem trading card game set to launch in Japan alongside the 3DS game.
At the onset, “Marth, Prince of Altea,” “Lucina, the Swordsman who claims to be Marth,” and “Pegasus Knight Minerva” will be available as download codes bundled with select packs of cards. It is unlikely the cards will release in the states. Maybe those characters can just be bought individually? All of this complexity does seem like it’s making the 2016 western release of If more challenging.
Also, how was the Awakening DLC? There seems to have been a lot of it. I was too busy worrying about romance to bother with it.
Fire Emblem Cipher Livestream [Serenes Forest]
Published: Apr 15, 2015 05:00 am