Sorry for the unimaginative post title, but Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers has such a long-ass name that I didn’t have room for any extra words other than “new,” “video,” and “doesn’t suck.”
It’s true, though — so far, this game doesn’t look too bad, although other than the requisite inclusion of chocobos and moogles, most of the stuff shown here is going to look pretty weird to most Final Fantasy fans. Cactuars growing to enormous sizes as the player is congratulated for a “New Reaction,” bombs and goats being thrown across open fields via telekinesis, and a neon heart-light flying out a pig-woman’s face and into the head of a green-haired child are just a few of the things going on here that are unlike anything I’ve ever seen in a Final Fantasy game … or any game, for that matter.
So what do you think? Is this what you always imagined Final Fantasy on the Wii would be like? Does the music that runs for the first 60 seconds of the video make you want to pull your ears off? Want to see this trailer in HD? Finally, do you understand Japanese? If you do, please leave a comment explaining what the hell is going on here. I want to know if that neon heart-light is for “platonic love,” like the kind found in R-Type Final, or if it’s the other kind of love — the kind folks usually aren’t allowed to launch at children’s heads in public.
[Spotted on flamesofchaos’ c-blog]