Hey, you! Yes, with the sideburns. Watch our show, it’s our seventieth episode. Yessir, that’s right! Another big milestone. Yup. Lucky number seventy. The big seven-oh.
(Don’t get too excited. It’s a pretty normal episode today.)
First up: Hey, did you hear about the Nintendo 3DS? Because it came out. We discuss this for a little while. Tara wants one, I’m over it, I want an NGP. Then, suddenly: Mortal Kombat news, and — Oh! even More-tal Kombat news. Then, did you hear? We’re trying to promote some indie games on the show. Crysis 2 sold a lot of copies, because it’s cool, and GIRP is a rage-quitting simulator that you should try out. I dare you.
Finally — We’ve got a contest that I made up on the spot.
Do you wanna win a free copy of Bust-A-Move Universe for the 3DS? Get yourself over to this episode’s Revision3 page, and use the new comment system to post your best dinosaur joke. Y’know, because Bust-A-Move has dinosaurs in it. And because it’s Monday, I’m tired, leave me alone. We’ll announce the winners next Monday.
Spoiler Alert: I need a haircut, bad.