New Destructoid Episode: 3DS Netflix, Popcap, and Aliens!

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Ahoy, all! Or something. I really am totally out of cute ways to introduce the show in these silly, silly posts I do. Video game news! [fart noise]

First, PopCap Games has been acquired by EA, for MILLIONS of dollars. Or possibly jewels. PopCap is known for its jewels. The new XCOM looks really cool, but the head of 2K Games really isn’t helping his cause by saying terrible things about the late Ray Charles. Fallout: New Vegas is seeing some DLC next week with Old World Blues, which has flaming dogs in it. SOLD. Resistance 3 sounds like it’s a big improvement on its precursor, possibly because it’s set in Oklahoma. Finally, Randy Pitchford gets all red in the face and excited about Aliens: Colonial Marines, which is okay, even though I’m mad at him for that last game Gearbox released.

We forgot to mention it in our show, but the contest is still going for pictures of “how to destroy a 3DS.” Full details HERE, and if you win, you get a free 3DS case from CM4. Furthermore, the weekly podcast Tara and I do with Jim Sterling and Jonathan Holmes is available for download here, and if you don’t listen to it, you should. Because we do the nasty with your ears.

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Max Scoville
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