If there is one thing that EA has done well with Dead Space it’s turn it into a multimedia franchise. From comics to movies to toys, Dead Space has pretty much been there and done that. A new site domain discovered by superannuation shows that they’re probably going back to be there and do that once again.
DeadSpaceSabotage.com was dug up as registered by EA and at first thought it could point to many things, but with a little Matlocking the list narrows. We already know about Dead Space:Ignition, the interactive comic book coming out, so we can scrap that from the list. We can also scrap a standard graphic novel off and an animated film as both of those were named at Comic-Con as Dead Space: Salvage and Dead Space: Aftermath respectively.
That kind of leaves us in a dead space (rimshot), until we recall “No Known Survivors” a little site that told two Dead Space stories with some interactive features and basic puzzle solving. It was definitely a fun little diversion while it lasted so I’d be happy to see something like it return. Then again, maybe EA is just reserving sites that start with “Dead Space” and end with a random foreboding word.