Nevermind the bad news, Br?tal Legend definitely still rocks

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Just a scant few posts down we brought you all some unfortunate Brütal Legend news. You probably read it and felt your ability to head bang for five minutes straight slowly seep away. Fear not! We bring head banging rejuvenation, proof that Brütal Legend does indeed rock in some small way.

This weekend fans of the game and most likely a bunch of people just wandering around the UK’s Download Festival in Donington Park got together and broke the world record for the most people air guitaring at once. 440 fans gathered at the EA Hub at the event and, led by Kerrang FM’s Christian Stevenson, rocked out to the Motörhead classic Ace of Spades. The Guinness Book of World Records watched (and most likely joined in) and officially declared the world record set, smashing the previous attempt set in 2008 of 318.

I can only imagine that with that many people air guitaring some sort of real guitar sound must have been made. Bill and Ted would be so proud.

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Matthew Razak
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