Namco Generations game Aero-Cross canceled

Successor to Metro-Cross falls short

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The Namco Generations line of games has been an interesting one, giving us some rather excellent arcade experiences in Pac-Man Championship Edition DX and Galaga Legions DX. Do you remember that 1985’s Metro-Cross was slated to get this same treatment with a game called Aero-Cross? It’s all coming back to me now.

Considering how much we’ve actually seen of the project (very little), it shouldn’t be too heartbreaking to hear that Aero-Cross has been canceled. If I’m being generous, I could maybe see this type of game performing decently on mobile devices, but it was likely never destined to have a huge audience no matter the platform. Bummer, though — Metro-Cross was great.

Bandai Namco cancels Aero-Cross [XBLA Fans]

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Jordan Devore
Jordan is a founding member of Destructoid and poster of seemingly random pictures. They are anything but random.
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