Nail’d is probably the best racer you’ll play this year

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Monday evening was a special night for me for many reasons. I finally got Ben PerLee to agree to touch my breasts, but more importantly Deep Silver hosted an event here in San Francisco for their newest racing game, Nail’d.

Nail’d and I go way back, you see. All the way back to 2010. I was but a young, impressionable mathemagician who had just abandoned the world of science to join the ranks of Destructoid. My first assignment? To preview and write about Nail’d, a new arcade-style racing game. Needless to say, I loved it. I wrote a stellar preview, which led many to doubt its capabilities. But I can now say with 100% confidence that after demoing it again this week, I’m more convinced than ever that it’s the best racing game I’ve ever played.

They’ve since added a DLC pack which includes 4 new tracks, new vehicle paint jobs, new vehicle parts for both bikes and ATVs, and multiple new female and male driver suits. It also includes a new game mode called Detonator, where racers have to maneuver around ticking bombs before they explode. I also finally got to try out multiplayer mode, which was amazingly fun, as expected.

Nail’d hits stores on November 30, and I can’t wait to grab a copy for Dtoid HQ. I didn’t want to have to stop playing the game and drinking free booze, so Max Scoville and Ben PerLee had to drag me out of the event. They’re like my real-life bros, you know? Makes me wish this blog had a fist-bump emoticon.

Also, just a warning: I drop the f-bomb quite a bit. So if you’re offended by that kind of stuff… just watch it anyway. And then strongly consider growing a pair.

About The Author
Tara Long
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