Chainbreaker Camo
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MW3 and Warzone Season 5 Week 8 Weekly Challenges and how to complete them

It's time to break the chains.

Season 5’s conclusion is almost upon us as we head into the spooky era of the sixth season. During its active period, you can earn an exclusive Aftermarket Part, a unique enhancement for your weapon, and a camo skin that will set you apart on the battlefield. So, without further ado, here’s how to complete all Season 5 Week 8 challenges in Modern Warfare 3 and Warzone.

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All Modern Warfare 3 Season 5 Week 8 challenges

The Weekly Challenges in Modern Warfare 3 is a test of your adaptability. It involves unique kills that can be executed with various weapons, catering to both long and close-range combat. To succeed, you’ll need to master using your Tactical equipment to stun or blind enemies.

ChallengesHow to complete themRewards
Get 20 Operator Akimbo Kills Akimbo weapons utilize specific weapons, where you’ll harness two guns in both hands. Make sure to set up your build first to get the suitable kills. 2,500 XP
Get 10 Operator Kills after reloading with Assault RifleEquip perks like Commando Gloves and Mag Holster to improve reloads. 5,000 XP
Get 10 Operator Headshot Kills using Pistols or SMGsAttach Underbarrels and Optics for better accuracy.5,000 XP
Get 15 Operator Kills while Aiming Down Sights with a ShotgunSimply aim while shooting.5,000 XP
Get five kills against Operators who are Blinded or Stunned with SMGsThrow out Stun or Flash Grenades. 7,500 XP
Get eight Operator Clean Kills with Marksman or Sniper RiflesDon’t get hit while shooting at an enemy. 7,500 XP
Get two Operator Clean Kills in One Life two timesSame as the last objective, but you’ll need to stay alive for a bit longer. 10,000 XP

All MW3 Zombies Season 5 Week 8 challenges

While the MW3 Zombies saga may have concluded, the Season 5 Week 8 challenges offer a new adventure. Venture to any Threat Level zone to either decrease or increase the challenge.

ChallengesHow to complete themRewards
Get 150 Akimbo KillsUse weapons such as GS Magna or Renetti to build an Akimbo loadout.2,500 XP
Get 100 kills after reloading with an Assault RifleSame as Modern Warfare 3’s objective: Use Commando Gloves or Mag Holster for better reloads.5,000 XP
Get 250 Critical Kills with a PistolTarget an enemy’s head or pieces of armor.5,000 XP
Get 200 kills while Aiming Down Sights with a ShotgunAim while shooting. 5,000 XP
Get 50 Mercenary Kills with a SMGLocate Mercenary Camps or Strongholds on the map. 7,500 XP
Get 10 Zombie Kills without taking damage 20 times with Marksman or Sniper RifleSame as a Clean Kill.7,500 XP
Get 10 kills without being hit 30 times. Take advantage of the Low Threat level to make this process easier. 10,000 XP

All Warzone Season 5 Week 8 challenges

Explore the iconic Urzikstan map to complete multiple Weekly Challenges in Warzone. Do your best to last until the final circle to get a whopping 10,000 XP for your wins.

ChallengesHow to complete themRewards
Get five Operator Kills or Kill AssistsRun solo or go in with a team to get eliminations in Battle Royale.2,500 XP
Open 20 Loot Caches in the North-West Region of UrzikstanLoot in Resort, Power, Seaport, or Cargo.5,000 XP
Open 20 Loot Caches in the Southern Region of UrzikstanLoot in City, Suburbs, or Manor.5,000 XP
Complete 10 ContractsFind and achieve any Contracts in Battle Royale.5,000 XP
Open 20 Loot Caches in the Eastern Region of UrzikstanLoot in Military Base or Farms.7,500 XP
Open 20 Loot Caches in the Central Region of UrzikstanLoot in Old Town or Low Town.7,500 XP
Place in the top 10 three timesSurvive as long as possible.10,000 XP

Complete five challenges in Modern Warfare 3 Multiplayer, Zombies, or Warzone to gain the Jak Devastators Aftermarket Part. Equip it with the Reclaimer 18 Shotgun’s Conversion Kit, providing an Akimbo build to the weapon.

Jak Devastators in MW3
Screenshot by Destructoid

The dual shotguns give you plenty of firepower but at the cost of Damage Range and Hipfire Spread. To compensate for the slightly lower stats, the Jak Devastaters offer excellent mobility, almost functioning like an SMG.

You can complete all eight MW3 and Warzone Season 5 challenges for the ultimate reward. If you have yet to finish these tasks, check out our pieces below to tackle each week:

With the challenges out of the way, you’ll gain the animated Chainbreaker camo skin. As expected, chains will cover the entire weapon’s build, featuring a red, black, silver, and yellow design.

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Image of Kristina Ebanez
Kristina Ebanez
Staff Writer
Staff Writer - Kristina has been a video game lover ever since she saw Solid Snake get under that cardboard box in Metal Gear Solid. She continues to show off her love for gaming and has been writing about it for more than two years. Aside from the Metal Gear Solid series, she enjoys playing The Sims, Call of Duty, Disney Dreamlight Valley, Horizon Forbidden West, Minecraft, and many more.