MW3 Season 5 gameplay
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MW3 and Warzone Season 5 Week 4 Weekly Challenges and how to complete them

It's time to enhance the RAAL LMG!

Get ready to dive into the excitement of Call of Duty Season 5, where a wealth of new Aftermarket Parts awaits as part of the Weekly Challenge rewards. This time, you’ll have the chance to enhance the RAAL LMG’s build with the versatile Conversion Kit. If you’re eager to earn this item, here’s a guide on how to complete all Season 5 Week 4 challenges in MW3 and Warzone.

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All Modern Warfare 3 Season 5 Week 4 challenges

A few Modern Warfare 3 challenges allow you to kick back and relax using Prone or Mounted Kills. But since they can be tricky to do, we’ll explain how they can be done, including a few tips and tricks for all objectives.

ChallengesHow to complete themRewards
Get 20 Operator Kills while Prone Get kills while lying down. Use modes like Domination and Hardpoint. 2,500 XP
Get 30 Operator Kills while moving with an SMGSliding and dolphin dives can be good to use for this elimination.5,000 XP
Get 25 Operator Kills with a Weapon set to Single Fire modeChange your weapon’s Fire Mode by pressing the left directional on your controller or ‘B + [‘ on your PC.5,000 XP
Get 12 Operator 1 Shot 1 Kill with a ShotgunGet up close and personal to deliver the blow.5,000 XP
Get two Operator Kills with one Magazine 10 times using an Assault RifleBoost up your Magazine capacity via the Gunsmith to make this process easier.7,500 XP
Get eight Mounted Operator killsApproach a barrier like a planter or a barrel (typically one that covers most of your body but not your face). You should see the interaction to ‘Mount’ your weapon while in this position.7,500 XP
Get two Operator Kills with one Magazine five times using a Marksman or Sniper RifleUse maps fit for long-range shots, such as Terminal, Highrise, and Greece10,000 XP

All MW3 Zombies Season 5 Week 4 challenges

Prepare yourself for the upcoming MW3 Zombies Season 5 Reloaded patch by tackling its challenges for Week 4. This is your chance to get a head start and dive back into the action, preparing yourself for the final story mission in the next week.

ChallengesHow to complete themRewards
Get 200 Kills with a Marksman Rifle while Cryofreeze is activeFind or craft the Cryo Freeze Ammo Mod.2,500 XP
Get 300 Kills while moving with an SMGEasier to do in the Low Threat Level zone. I also recommend not using ADS while moving. 5,000 XP
Get 75 kills with a weapon set to Single Fire ModeJust like MW3’s challenge, press the left directional on your controller or ‘B + [‘ on your PC to change it to a single bullet.5,000 XP
Get 200 1 Shot 1 Kill with a ShotgunAnother task that can be easier to do in the Low Threat Level zone. 5,000 XP
Get three Disciple KillsEnter the higher Threat Level zones to find them or participate in Bounty contracts.7,500 XP
Get 200 Critical Kills with a Marksman RifleHit an enemy’s weak spots like its head or armor.7,500 XP
Get five Mangler Kills with a Marksman RifleLocate these mini-bosses in the higher Threat zones or Bounty contracts10,000 XP

All Warzone Season 5 Week 4 challenges

Warzone’s Weekly Challenges continues to set its sights on the Urzikstan map. Although the tasks have remained relatively the same, new challenges await you for the mid-season update, which features the daunting Elite Contracts.

ChallengesHow to complete themRewards
Get 10 Operator Kills or Kill Assists with a Recommended weaponUse any gun with a fire symbol 2,500 XP
Complete 15 Contracts Find and achieve any Contracts in Battle Royale5,000 XP
Open 20 Loot Caches in the North-West Region of UrzikstanLoot in Resort, Power, Seaport, or Cargo5,000 XP
Open 20 Loot Caches in the Southern Region of UrzikstanLoot in City, Suburbs, or Manor5,000 XP
Open 20 Loot Caches in the Eastern Region of UrzikstanLoot in Military Base or Farms7,500 XP
Open 20 Loot Caches in the Central Region of UrzikstanLoot in Old Town or Low Town7,500 XP
Place in the top 10 five timesSurvive as long as possible in Battle Royale10,000 XP

Complete any five challenges in Modern Warfare 3, Zombies, or Warzone to claim the Jak Protean Aftermarket Part. It’s designed for the RAAL light machine gun, significantly boosting its Damage Range and Bullet Velocity. On top of that, the Conversion Kit provides a telescoping barrel, allowing you to switch between full or semi-auto fire.

Jak Protean in MW3 and Warzone
Screenshot by Destructoid

While it does have its advantages, it also comes with some setbacks. Specifically, the Jak Protean has lower sprint-to-fire speed and headshot damage. It’s still pretty decent, though, especially if you’re an LMG lover.

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Image of Kristina Ebanez
Kristina Ebanez
Staff Writer
Staff Writer - Kristina has been a video game lover ever since she saw Solid Snake get under that cardboard box in Metal Gear Solid. She continues to show off her love for gaming and has been writing about it for more than two years. Aside from the Metal Gear Solid series, she enjoys playing The Sims, Call of Duty, Disney Dreamlight Valley, Horizon Forbidden West, Minecraft, and many more.