Cave shooter Mushihime-sama, or “Bug/Insect Princess” in the West, is gearing up for an HD conversion on the Xbox 360. You may recognize the name from “the hardest video game boss ever” video, which featured the sequel, Mushihime-sama Futari. Right now this looks to be a retail title, and there are no apparent plans for a Western release, so expect to import this, just like the sequel.
As a big fan of Cave’s work (and bullet hell in general), I recently picked up the iOS version and loved every minute of it. If you’re a fan of shoot ’em ups, I’d highly recommend keeping an eye on this one. I sincerely hope that Cave eventually brings their entire collection to the current generation — I have all four of their iOS titles and you can never have too many 360 re-releases.
Cave Brings Mushihimasama HD to Xbox 360 [Andriasang]