Muramasa Rebirth transports DLC westward early next year


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Muramasa Rebirth‘s long-awaited Genroku Legends downloadable add-ons will finally make their way to North America in early 2014, Aksys Games has announced.

The supplementary content for Vanillaware’s PlayStation Vita action title spans four distinct tales inspired by traditional Japanese folklore. Each story promises new characters with fresh gameplay hooks, previously unseen bosses, and more.

The first of the set is called the Fishy Tales of the Nekomata and follows a courier by the name of Okoi on a mission to deliver tea to the shogun. Of course, things don’t quite go according to plan and violence ensues.

Unlike the main protagonists, Okoi is some kind of cat lady that fights with claws rather than traditional weapons. She can even fuse with her kitty companion Miike to transform into a terrifying feline monster. Following the completion of Okoi’s story, players will have the option to use her unique abilities against the bosses from the main campaign.

About The Author
Kyle MacGregor Burleson
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