More crap quality Halo 3 beta videos leak, crowd goes wild

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I don’t know what the big deal with this Halo 3 game is; what is it popular or something? But I sure am glad that the only time I’ve seen it in action is shaky cell phone camera footage of the game running on an SDTV. 
Well, here’s some more. This time, we get a glimpse of another one of the game’s maps, “Epitaph.” I refuse to dissect the video, because I don’t own a Master Chief cereal bowl that I eat Cortana Cheerios out of. I’ll leave that kind of analysis to the cats over at Ziff-Davis, or you guys.
I’m posting these videos because you’re a bunch of animals, willing to lap up dirty water that drips from Bungie’s boot. But a fair warning — the first video after the jump is set to the music of Fall Out Boy. You have been notified.


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Nick Chester
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