As the feature-set for the impending December 3 Xbox 360 Dashboard Update drips out, we’re finding it more difficult to get amped about the additions and changes. Now Microsoft Japan has revealed some new information on the update, much of which focuses on dashboard menu changes and streamlining the GUI.
The dashboard will now feature a “Game Library,” which will replace (but look similar to) the current “Xbox Live Arcade” tab. New are the filters that will sort and break down games by “All Games,” “Arcade,” “Demos,” and “Recent downloads.”
A bigger addition is the “Personal Profile,” which is added to individual gamer profiles — you’ll be given 500-1000 characters to introduce yourself, including a name, nationality, region, and self-introduction. This goes hand-in-hand with the improved stalker functionality we reported on earlier, making it easier for ex-girlfriend, bill collectors, and your parents to correctly identify you on Xbox Live.
With the update right around the corner, we’re sure the full list of features will be revealed, and hopefully they’ll offer more functionality than social networking and cosmetic changes. More info and images can be found over at Game Watch.