Might & Magic Heroes VI Shades pre-order bonuses revealed

A pretty hefty set of extras

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The newest addition to the Might & Magic Heroes franchise is only a few weeks away, and Ubisoft has decided to sweeten the pot for pre-order customers with a nice little set of bonus items and characters.

All players who pre-order Might & Magic Heroes VI: Shades of Darkness through Ubisoft’s download service Uplay will receive the Master of All Darkness pack which contains a number of exclusive weapons to boost your army, as well as the hero Belketh the Necromancer.

Shades of Darkness will release on February 28, 2013 as a standalone title that will follow the path of Raelag while he faces off against new enemies and forges an alliance that will changes his clan forever. I can’t wait to see more from this title; the art style is so vibrant and the motion-comic cinematics do a fantastic job of conveying the story.

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Jason Cabral
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