Mega64 suffers through the gamut of Diablo III errors

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The extent of Blizzard’s lack of bug-checking for Diablo III is unknowable. Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong. At least, that’s what happened when the Mega64 crew sat down for a friendly co-op game.

Oh, and I could have gone the rest of my life without knowing what poopsocking was. God dammit, Rocco.

Since E3 is just around the corner, I’m also sharing the boys’ latest E3 predictions video from a couple weeks back, embedded after the jump. What secrets will E3 hold? Time travel will reveal all!

Mega64: Diablo III: Night of 1000 Errors [GameTrailers]

Mega64: E3 2012 Predictions [GameTrailers]

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Tony Ponce
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