Man sells mother’s Wii for booze and cigarettes

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Christmas is long gone, which means that the spirit of giving has been replaced by far more important spirits — namely the spirit of taking, the spirit of drinking and the spirit of being a stupid dick. A 23-year-old man from Spring Hill, Florida stole his mother’s Wii and sold it, all for the want of some booze and smokes. Delightful.

Of course, Christopher Bayko wasn’t exactly a master criminal, and somehow expected to get away with stealing a game console from right under his mother’s nose. When questioned about the missing Wii, which was now sitting comfortably in a pawn shop, Bayko claimed it was at a friend’s house. We’ll never know how long he planned to keep that pretense up, because the moron left a receipt lying around the house that disproved his lie. 

Oh, and the best part? He sold the Wii for a whopping $56. It’s as if these people try to be stupid. 

Man charged after selling mom’s game system [TBO, via Kotaku]

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James Stephanie Sterling
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