Mafia II might be in 3D on consoles someday

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The much-anticipated Mafia II will finally be making its way to stores in August and will be available in 3D on PCs. Consoles won’t be getting that extra “D” however, though 2K says it may yet happen.

Speaking to CVG, 2K Czech Senior Gameplay Producer Janek Kolar has said that there is a possibility of updating the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions of Mafia II to support 3D gaming provided that there was enough demand for the feature. 

Clearly, that would make the console manufacturers happy as they continue to make the push for what is, in my humble opinion, an asinine direction for the industry. Every high-profile release that winds up in 3D will encourage more developers to make use of the technology and, according to Hamza, it’s a feature that works pretty well in this particular instance.

And that’s great. If it works well and people enjoy it, more power to them. I just feel like everyone’s wasting their time and money on this crap when they could be refining existing gameplay mechanics or trying something that hasn’t already been attempted and failed multiple times.

Mafia 2 not 3D on consoles [CVG]

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Conrad Zimmerman
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