Tipster Pablo sent an email in to us regarding an amusing, if somewhat sad new adventure in the chronicles of crazy Jack Thompson. Scott Johnson, the creator of My Extra Life, has been served an unofficial cease and desist from the office of Jack Thompson via his blog, following a photoshop contest involving ol’ Jacko that the artist is currently running with his readers.
Scott assumed it was one of his audience pranking him, so the ‘legal’ warning was laughed off. “If you are the real Jack Thompson, then I should be getting a LEGAL cease and desist letter from you, not some anonymous comment in a blog post,” Johnson answered. “So since I did not get that. And since I don’t think you are him at all, then the answer is no. Nice try though…made me giggle.”
Thompson’s retort was simple. He simply replied with “Ok, your mistake. Laugh your ass off.” The man who is yet to outright deny accusations of his being a bisexual pedophile has resorted to cowardly threats on blogs, and according to further research from Scott, it’s the real deal. Isn’t that special? Johnson himself doesn’t feel threatened, confident that Thompson can do nothing but threaten. He did, however, make the most perfect statement on the situation, and I can think of no better way to end the story than with Scott’s own words:
Why would a person sit in front of a computer and search Technorati or other engines all day to see if people are saying your name? Why would a person care about a photoshop contest to the degree that they make threats to meet that care? Why would a Florida bar certified lawyer even bother with our stupid little mom and pop shop here? Why would that self same lawyer tell me to “laugh my ass off”, or post a comment in a blog, or any of these things and still expect people to consider him a professional in field of law?
Why indeed, Jack? Why indeed, you complete arsehammer.