Look at the US Army’s Dismounted Soldier Training System

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Did you know that the United States Army is turning to RealTime Immersive Inc. and CryEngine 3 for its training needs? The figure being thrown around for this project is $57 million, which sounds all too believable.

Two trailers for the Dismounted Soldier Training System have come out this month, the first of which shows the impressive visual fidelity through real-time sequences. The second trailer, viewable below, focuses more on the technology of CryEngine 3.

Visually, it looks the part, but I have to wonder how player death is handled. In many ways, this simulator looks like our industry’s most popular games. One would suspect there’s less of an emphasis on being a one-man army capable of walking off bullet wounds, however.

US Army Dismounted Soldier Training System is the greatest game you’ll never play [PC Gamer via Shacknews]

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Jordan Devore
Jordan is a founding member of Destructoid and poster of seemingly random pictures. They are anything but random.
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