Loki, Scarlet Witch, other Marvel characters to get their own shows on Disney’s streaming service

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If you’re frustrated by your favorite character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe not getting their own movie yet, this might be their chance. According to Variety, Marvel and Disney are planning to create shows based on supporting characters from the films, with Loki (Tom Hiddleston) and Scarlet Witch (Elizabeth Olsen) cited as specific examples.

Disney’s streaming service coming out in 2019, which was rumored to be called “Disney Play” recently, would be the exclusive home for these shows, which would have large budgets and run from six to eight episodes. Unlike all of the Marvel television shows (with the exception of Agent Carter), Marvel Studios and their head Kevin Feige would actually be involved in the production of these programs.

This is a completely unexpected piece of news—with all of the projects that Marvel Studios is juggling, it’s a wonder that they would have both the time and the budget to facilitate these extra projects. It probably only goes to show just how focused Disney is on creating exclusive content for their service to drive people over there, seeing how their movies will be leaving Netflix.

And now the possibilities are endless: who else in the MCU can get their own show? Hawkeye? Shuri? The guy from Spider-Man: Homecoming who told Spider-Man to do a flip? We’ll have to wait and see to find out how Marvel Studios will use Disney’s service to expand the MCU—neither Marvel nor Disney are commenting on the story at the moment.

Loki, Scarlet Witch, Other Marvel Heroes to Get Own TV Series on Disney Streaming Service [Variety]

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Chris Compendio
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