Live show: Stretch Panic on Mash Tactics

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It’s going to be a ‘WTF Wednesday’ of ridiculous proportions today on Mash Tactics. King Foom is flinging himself face-first into Treasure’s oddball PlayStation 2 title Stretch Panic. I could go into a full description of the game, but all you need to know is that the player pinches, stretches, and pops comically over-sized breasts with a magic scarf. Tune in and lay your gaze upon this triumph in ‘WTF?’ gaming.

Mash Tactics airs Monday through Friday at 4p.m. Pacific on Destructoid’s Twitch TV channel. Watch King Foom play a variety of games, each day with its own theme. With a heavy focus on community and viewer interaction, you can be as much a part of the show as anything else.


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Bill Zoeker
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