LittleBigBallBags: This LittleBigPlanet level is … hard

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LittleBigPlanet is a place where imagination and fun roams free, where adorable Sackpeople live out magical adventures in faraway lands and a community of dreamers share their creativity with the world. It’s also a place where you can cram an inordinate amount of jizz and knobs and arses into one place.

The above video is not clever, mature or even very good viewing. But it has penises in it. Lots and lots of penises. Lots and lots and lots and lots. And some semen and a little bit of poo-poo as well. It gives an entirely new meaning to the term “Sackboy.” You have been warned. 

Needless to say, it cannot and won’t ever be published, so don’t expect to play this yourself. Feel free to take what you learned here though, and create your own private little sausage fest at home.

About The Author
James Stephanie Sterling
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