Lionhead Studios — the developer behind RPG Fable II — may have something fresh to show off at this year’s E3. A tweet written by a Swansea Metropolitan University student seemingly spilled the beans on the company’s event plans. Lionhead animation director Andrew Lindsay recently visited the school and spoke in one of the student’s classes, apparently showing off new animations from an unannounced IP. Linsday indicated at one point during his guest appearance that the first game of a new franchise would debut at E3.
As GameSpot points out, all signs point to “yes” in regards to Lionhead showing off something new. Head honcho Peter Molyneux has said before in an interview that Lionhead is “almost ready to start showing the world what happens when you feel safe about experimenting and inventing and prototyping, and that can lead to some pretty amazing things and we’ve got some amazing things in our pocket.”
Of course, before that statement he teased that we would hear details of this product coming “forward very soon.” The last time I checked my calendar, E3 was pretty soon. Consider us stoked.