Let’s spin together a Spider-Man spoiler thread

Don’t forget the hyphen

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One of the best parts about playing a new game, right at release, is being able to experience everything before the internet manages to ruin every single special moment it offers. On the other hand, it can be positively painful trying to discuss the story and mechanics without inadvertently exposing sensitive information to those who haven’t been playing along since day one.

Spider-Man is the talk of the town right now and Destructoid is here to give you a safe place to freely discuss all of its various intricacies. There are so many goddamn little things that come together to make this a great experience, and I’d love to hear your thoughts. Tell us all of the things you’ve loved and hated. Post three novellas worth of scathing criticisms explaining why all the mainstream media outlets have gotten it completely wrong, and it doesn’t live up to the hype!

It’s all fair game within the confines of this article. I’ve been loving every fucking minute with it, but you do you. The important thing is that the societal shackles of early, post-release courtesy holds no power here.

Anyone who reads beyond this point does so at their own risk.

What were your favorite fights or story beats? It’s positively overflowing with small details that flesh out the world, delivering callbacks to past exploits. Honestly, outside of the obvious web-slinging, I fell head over heels for the chibi Spider-Dude that appears when the controller disconnects. He starts sweating up a storm and scowls at you like you just killed his puppy.

As soon as the controller reconnects, he perks right back up to his usual fun-loving self. Just look at this cute little bastard! How can you not love him?!? When is he going to get his own spin-off series, and why can’t I have it right now?

Besides the insanely adorable chibi Spider-Man, what’s left the biggest impression on you so far? I want to hear about it all. Let’s fucking do this, Destructoid. Spider-Man spoiler thread commencing in three… two…. one…..

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Kevin Mersereau
I like video games, music, comics, and corgis a whole lot. Pretty much everything I do in my free time revolves around these four things...
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