Left 4 Bed: Post-Valentine Priapism

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Offworlder Joel Johnson spotted this over in the Bay Area Craigslist personals while cruising for a “casual encounter”.  You know: bowling shirts, some brewskis, couple games of Fumble the Crumble (peach).


Reply to: pers-1035659475@craigslist.org [?]
Date: 2009-02-15, 9:50AM PST




* it’s NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

PostingID: 1035659475

If a meteor hit the Bay Area today, the entire Internet would go silent.  All of your torrents would triple in speed; Twitter would lose 86% of their user base, and LiveJournal would go dark. 

 Sometimes I pray for such a sky-hammer…today is not one of those days.  Soldier on, SF nerd army. I’d hit it.

 Craigslist Connections: “Pipe Bomb Over Here!” [Offworld]


About The Author
Eliza Gauger
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