A long time ago, when Hideo Kojima still worked at Konami and the world was ablaze with expectation about an all-new Silent Hill instalment, Kojima treated us to a brief Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain/P.T. crossover and demonstrated that Snake could use the P.T. ghost Lisa as a decoy.
It’s become apparent that this was not the only in-game secret Kojima left.
If you head to the huts on the second Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain map, you’ll happen across a radio. But unlike others that you find, this one broadcasts the gutwrenchingly unsettling news item that reports on the family murders in P.T.
It’s easy to miss, but thankfully some clever soul has captured it on YouTube for us:
I know. It’s not a big thing, not really. But for those of us who ‘enjoyed’ P.T. — and love Kojima’s fourth-wall breaking antics — this is a little reminder of why exploration in Kojima’s game rarely goes unrewarded.
Metal Gear Solid 5 Phantom Pain PT Easter Egg [Alex, via VG24/7]