Kinect used for 3D video capture

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We have had a few people send us this video today and it’s pretty damn cool. It features Dr. Oliver Kreylos of UC Davis as he shows off what seems to be the beginning of his work with Kinect to recreate physical objects in a 3D space.

It’s damn neat stuff, particularly once he rotates the scene and you can see the edges of Kinect’s viewpoint clearly. All of this stiff people are doing with Kinect on their computers is hyping me up to have one of my own more than anything Microsoft has released on it to date. 

Look below and see another video of Dr. Kreylos using the Kinect camera to reconstruct a physical object in his 3D space and then measure it to determine the accuracy of the representation. Thrilling stuff, this is.

[Thanks to everyone who sent this in!]

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Conrad Zimmerman
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