Kill it With Fire 2: All potion recipe locations and what they do

Double, double toil and trouble.

Kill It With Fire 2 - All potion recipe locations and what they do

As a dimension-hopping exterminator extraordinaire, your tools of the trade end up a bit eclectic. Have you tried killing spiders with a minigun? How about we get weirder with some black magic? Here are all the potion recipe locations in Kill It With Fire 2, and what they do

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To craft recipes, you need to locate the cauldron in the second level of Kill It With Fire 2. It’s around the corner from where you start in Artois Manor: A room lined with shelves storing ingredients such as butterfly wings, beetles, and bones. This is where you can brew and unlock potions and drinks in the game. Ingredients for the potions are located throughout the manor, ranging from the cauldron room to the kitchen and beyond.

Creating all four potions will allow you to complete the ‘Potion Master’ side quest, opening up a cabinet door in the manor’s upstairs bathroom.

All potion recipe locations in Kill It With Fire 2

There are four potion recipes to find in Kill It With Fire 2. The first one is a gimme, while three others are hidden throughout other dimensions. Let’s find them all and celebrate the dark arts, together.

Potion Recipe 1: Spider Potion

You will find the first potion recipe in the cauldron room of Artois Manor. One wall in the room contains instructions on a blackboard detailing how to use the cauldron, while another blackboard reveals the Spider Potion recipe. Adjust the fire accordingly while tossing in the ingredients, and follow up with a stir of the ladle to the left of the cauldron. The Spider Potion is a necessary potion to create, as it helps you complete objectives in every dimension.

Kill it With Fire 2 potion recipe locations spider potion recipe
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Spider Potion effect: Drinking the potion temporarily turns you into a tiny spider with a leap move on a cooldown. Use it to enter places your larger body can’t, such as holes in the wall.

Potion Recipe 2: Rad Cola

The second recipe in Kill It With Fire 2 is located in the second level, Downtown Arachnitopia. On the third island, head to the central park area and tear into the rectangular, light-gray building in front of the green grass to find the recipe for Rad Cola.

Kill it With Fire 2 potion recipe locations rad cola recipe
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You may have some trouble locating all the ingredients for the potion. The bones are on the shelf in the cauldron room (you’ll need to know the difference between a tibia and a femur), but the salt and pepper are in the kitchen on the counter to the right of the stove:

Kill it With Fire 2 potion recipe locations salt and pepper shakers in the kitchen
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For the “ashes of a loved one” (grim), grab the urn off the fireplace mantle underneath a picture of ol’ gam gam in the parlor:

Kill it With Fire 2 potion recipe locations urn of gam gam
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Rad Cola effect: Temporarily turns you radioactive, which makes it so dead spiders are resurrected as zombie spiders. This is a good potion to use if you still need to complete the ‘Undead Reckoning’ objective on the HSF Vindicator ship.

Potion Recipe 3: Energy Drink

The Energy Drink recipe is found in the third dimension, HEM Foods & Furniture. You’ll find the whiteboard next to the door between the Home Goods section and the Warehouse. But the recipe is incomplete. To unlock it, you need to complete the objective ‘Reverse Engineered Recipe’. In other words, you have to run around the Home Goods section and locate seven hidden Energy Drinks.

They’re only in the Home Goods section, scattered around appliances and hidden between boxes. Look in the corner across from the whiteboard, up on the ceiling light, and under the ‘Wet Floor’ sign. If you have the radar upgraded to reveal hidden items, this should be a breeze.

Kill it With Fire 2 potion recipe locations energy drink between two boxes
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Once you found all the drinks, the whiteboard will be complete:

Kill it With Fire 2 potion recipe locations the full energy drink recipe
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Every ingredient you need, save for one, is located in the cauldron room. You can find the pineapple on top of the refrigerator in the Artois Manor kitchen:

Kill it With Fire 2 potion recipe locations pineapple on top of a fridge
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Energy Drink effect: The Energy Drink gives you a 15-second speed boost. There is no limit on its use.

Potion Recipe 4: 1N-V15

The fourth potion, 1N-V15, is a tough one to track down, but you’ll find it in the HSF Vindicator. You first need to have 35 Compound X and the Sniper Rifle. Unlock the ‘Captain’s Quarters’ in the ‘Command Wing’ of the ship and meander over to the window.

Zooming with the Sniper Rifle into the void reveals… a floating whiteboard with the recipe. Honestly, I’m impressed I even found this one. I was just looking through the window on a whim and saw it out there.

Kill it With Fire 2 potion recipe locations fourth recipe floating through space
‘Sup. | Screenshot by Destructoid

The recipe is hard to see, so I have it fully written out below:

Recipe: Solution 1N-V15

  1. Bring cauldron to a roiling boil.
  2. Add one black cat.
  3. Reduce heat, then add another black cat.
  4. Wait until the potion turns pink, then reduce heat.
  5. Add a third black cat.
  6. Reduce heat to low.
  7. Stir until potion thickens and turns blue.

Don’t freak out! The ‘black cats’ needed for the recipes are actually just statues. You need three: The first one is to the left of the cauldron itself; the second is to the left of the fireplace in the parlor; and the third statue is on a table in the attic.

Kill it With Fire 2 potion recipe locations black cat statue in the attic
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Solution 1N-V15 effect: The potion turns you temporarily invisible, allowing you to get the drop on spider threats.

There may be more hidden recipes to find, so keep experimenting.

About The Author
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Cameron Woolsey
A contributing writer, Cam has been playing games for decades and writing about them for about 15 years. He specializes in action RPGs, shooters, and brawlers, but will always make a little bit of time for indies and classics.
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