Katamari creator thinks the future for videogames is dark

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Keita Takahashi may be famous for making bright, happy games such as Katamari Damacy and Nobi Nobi Boy, but the quirky developer has a bleak and depressing view on the future of the games industry. In fact, he doesn’t think he sees much of a future at all, and certainly not one with him in it. 

“I’m actually not thinking about a future in games. It’s not that I’m not interested in them, but I want to try lots of different things,” he explains. “At E3 I saw people putting on speeches but I thought the future seemed a bit dark.”

The Japanese designer isn’t impressed by 3D or motion control, either: The 3D games didn’t spark my interest. I think motion control’s a bit old now, I don’t think those games are the future. It all seemed a bit dull.”

Harsh words from Takahashi, but do you agree? Is a future of 3D gaming and waggle input as dull and dreary as he believes, or is there enough fun and magic left in this industry to keep things bright? 

Katamari creator sees ‘no future’ in games [CVG]

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James Stephanie Sterling
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