Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom trailer is bananas

Blue is a good boy

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I wasn’t a huge fan of Jurassic World when it first came out, but I can tell you that I liked the fact that it ended with a t-rex, a raptor, and a genetically modified dino fighting it out in an obvious homage to early Hollywood monster movies. Once that happened I knew that they were ditching the pseudo-science thread of the originals and basically going all out monster movie, and it let you frame the movie in a slightly better light. 

Well, if the conclusion of the first film was a hint at the franchise’s direction than the newest trailer for Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom is basically shouting it. We’re in full monster movie territory, folks. Giant sea creatures taking out helicopters? War mongering corporations designing super dinosaurs? The return of plucky dino sidekick Blue? All we need now is a giant monkey. We’ve left behind the very basic attempts to be somewhat realistic of Jurassic Park, and we’re in full commitment to something entirely different. This is Jurassic Park via Godzilla, not Michael Chrichton.

And I’m kind of all for it? Is that bad? This just looks like some crazy fun, and no I’m not just saying the because The Goldblum, hollowed be his name, is in it.With my expectations re-calibrated to giant monster movie, I’m actually looking forward to this. 

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Matthew Razak
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