July NPD: Summer heat shows no signs of cooling down

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Summer is supposed to be the time where the game industry calms down and takes a break before the fall/holiday rush, right? I don’t know if the industry is on break or not, but the consumers aren’t. With our economy in the state it’s in, staying home and playing games might be for the best.

We’re still buying games like crazy this summer, with game sales up 41% over last year’s July numbers. Of course, Madden 09 takes the top spot, followed by Wii Fit and Guitar Hero DS: On Tour. For some reason, the terrible games of Wii Play are still charting. Both Soul Calibur IV versions also made the top ten, with the Yoda (Xbox 360) beating Vader (PS3), 218,900 vs 155,800. Makes sense; Vader is weaksauce.

Hardware sales have calmed down, but not stopped. Sony had a good month with the PS3 and PSP, both outselling the Xbox 360 in July. Sony says that their year-to-date sales are up 99% for the PS3. They will have to be comfortable at that third spot and fourth, though, right behind the Wii and DS.

Do you have any predictions for August? Will it be just as hot? 

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Dale North
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