Jamie Kennedy lashes out at gaming ‘dorks’ who hate him

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It seems that Jamie Kennedy still has a raw nerve over that whole, “Hosting an Activision E3 press conference and being a drunk, unfunny, embarrassing mess” thing. Responding to a discussion over whether or not Kennedy was worse than Mr. Caffeine, the celebrated comic actor had some wise words to impart.

“wow u dorks can’t let that go, You have no idea what really happened, because ur not in the biz, ur a spectator,” he Tweeted, finally explaining to us why he was such an awful host. It all makes sense now.

He was later invited by Game Informer editor-in-chief Andy McNamara to discuss the issue rationally, to which Kennedy responded: “would love too, I can After this movie wraps, those guys can do I guess after jerkin off to Zelda.”

For the record, Jamie Kennedy was far, far worse than Mr. Caffeine. At least Caffeine had charisma … a very weird, terrifying charisma … and seems like a nice guy in real life who wouldn’t resort to lame gamer stereotypes to win an argument.

In any case, Kennedy was last spotted indulging in various flame wars with gamers via Twitter, claiming he won because blogs wrote articles about him.

Charming chap.

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James Stephanie Sterling
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