Jack Black explains the history of the battleaxe

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Man, there’s really been a ton of content coming out on Brütal Legend as they ramp up hype some three months before the scheduled release of the game. And, hey, here’s more of it!

In this short video, Jack Black does that thing that he does best: Being Jack Black. Whether that’s a good thing or not is really a matter of opinion. He wields a battleaxe, talks a little bit of history and swings it around in a manner only a certain type of extrovert would be caught dead doing. There’s also some gameplay footage in between bits of Jack. 

Okay, I’m excited about Brütal Legend and I have been since I first heard of the game years ago. But, seriously, this is already starting to get to be a little too much promotion for me. Can we slow it down a bit, Double Fine? I don’t want to be sick of the game before I’ve had a chance to play it.

Check out the video after the jump if you’re so inclined.

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Conrad Zimmerman
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